“Good architecture always takes care of man, especially in such hard times,” Carlos Lamela shares in ‘ABC’
In these complicated, new, and uncertain days, architecture has asserted its value. Simultaneously, man’s fragility has been revealed. Inattention with profound consequences. “The human being, and even more so the urban one, had come to internalize an excessive level of self-esteem and complacency, believing himself almost invincible and with the ability to tackle any adverse situation through the tools of technological progress, thinking that he had an authentic ‘letter of marquee’”, tells the president of Estudio Lamela in a conversation with the ABC newspaper.
Humility is inevitably the new starting place. There will be new spaces and others will remain unchanged. The concept of home ownership is not going to be affected. On the contrary. Nor will the process of macro-urbanization, in which society has been immersed for a century, stop. There will be changes, of course, shares Carlos Lamela. “Population will move less, and tourism will be deeply affected. And possibly, priority will be given to investments related to the health and supplementary industries”.
Other transformations will be much more personal; they will come from within the individual himself. In confinement, people have learned the value and importance of the spaces they live in. They aren’t places where one “is”, but where life unfolds. “Our homes have been transformed into our living spaces for weeks, and their spatial quality, distribution, areas, and exterior views (when relevant) have become fundamental in coping with this situation”, says Lamela on ABC. And it leaves a view that perhaps had been lost with the haste and anxiety of the days and the present. “Good architecture always takes care of man and its value is essential in such hard times”, he concludes.