Estudio Lamela and KAAN Architecten have been awarded the International Architecture Award 2018 for the Schiphol Airport Terminal
Estudio Lamela, next to its dutch partner KAAN Architecten, have been awarded with the prestigious International Architecture Award 2018 for the Amsterdam Airport Schiphol Terminal (Holland).
The distinction, granted by The Chicago Athenaeum: Museum for Architecture and Design and The European Center for Architecture Art Design and Urban Studies, honors new and cutting-edge building designs worldwide.
This year, the award received a record number of projects for new buildings, landscape architecture, and urban planning. The projects were submitted by the most important firms practicing globally. The jury was held in Istanbul, Turkey and over 100 projects were selected from a shortlist of 380 by a distinguished jury of Turkish architects.
All buildings and urban planning projects selected this year will be published in a special issue of Global Design + Urbanism XVIII. “New International Architecture.” As of September 28 a special exhibition will open to contemplate all awarded buildings in “The City and The World” at The Contemporary Space Athens. (Holland)