Estudio Lamela presents the Preliminary Design of the new Hospital of Málaga
Yesterday was the official presentation of the Preliminary Design of the new Hospital of Málaga, by Estudio Lamela, Aidhos, Sener and ARCS. The Mayor of Málaga, Francisco De la Torre, and the President of the Andalusian Regional Government, Juan Manuel Moreno, among other officials, attended the event.
The complex consists of four towers that will rise on a five-story base. The cornerstones of the design are the flexibility and versatility of the spaces, the primacy of natural light and the ease of circulation. It is a bioclimatic and efficient building that meets the strictest sustainability criteria.
A friendly and approachable architecture has been created, without sacrificing the objective of providing the new hospital with architectural representativeness and uniqueness through a powerful and modern image. The specific characteristics of Málaga in terms of climate, luminosity and vegetation have been taken into account, while designing a building that is protected but at the same time open and permeable, in which the vegetation enters the interior spaces and these, in turn, expand outwards, blurring the interior/exterior boundary.
The hospital center will be state-of-the-art, with highly-integrated information and communication technologies and complete digitalization.
The hospital will provide a new, more personalized approach to healthcare with a strong focus on research.
The design incorporates a public square, which includes commercial and restaurant spaces.