April 3, 2019 5:54 pm

The mandatory protection of the Torres Colón in ABC

The ABC newspaper publishes a tribune signed by Carlos Lamela, executive president of Estudio Lamela, which, under the distinct title of: Torres Colón, architectural legacy of the 20th century, claims the imperative protection of one of the emblematic works of Spanish architecture of the last hundred years.

The Torres Colón, the work of Antonio Lamela (1926-2017), one of the most relevant professionals of his time, are an emblem and a synthesis of his architecture – besides being his most beloved building – and above all, a symbol of a time past. They were built from top to bottom: each of the towers is conceived as a suspended volume, where their peaks serve as their foundation. With this work, the pioneering vision of Antonio Lamela introduced an architectural and construction system in Spain: Suspended Architecture.

The building, which was recognized at the World Congress of Architecture and Public Works held in New York in 1975 as the most advanced work to date, was a milestone, as there was almost no history of a similarly constructed building in the world.

For this reason, the tribune argues, the Plenary of the Regional Council of Historical Heritage urged the City Council of Madrid to immediately secure the protection of the plot’s structure: “A society that does not respect or value its past is a society without a destiny that robs itself of an honest and sustainable future,” concludes Carlos Lamela.

See Project.

Read original article on ABC.

Read presentation of the catalog of the exhibition Torres Colón, 1969-2019.






The mandatory protection of the Torres Colón in ABC